To share a basket:

The functionality is only available for collaborator accounts that do not have order authorization. First, form your basket in the traditional way. Once finalized, go to your cart and click on "Share Basket". The basket will be shared with the main account.

Please note: once your cart has been sent, if you delete it, it will also be deleted from the main account.

To receive a basket:

When a collaborator shares his basket with the main account, the user receives an email alert containing the link to the basket in question. They can also access it via their "my account" space, then "shared basket(s)". If you have not received an email, please check your spam and junk mail.

  • To edit or validate the basket: access the basket, click on "Order or edit". The shared basket is transferred to your personal basket. From then on, you can change the quantities, modify or delete the products and place the order. Warning: the basket is added to the other products potentially already in your personal basket.
  • To refuse a basket: on the "shared basket(s)" page in your "my account" area, click on the horizontal dots in the right-hand corner of the rectangle, then "delete".